Hansegger - Literatur


Hansegger Literatur

Martica Sawin: Hansegger: Paintings 1949-1960.

A Golden Griffin book, Arts, Inc. New York, 1962.


Die Publikation von Martica Sawin kann hier online angeschaut werden.

Hansegger Literatur

Erik Larsen: Hansegger: a contribution to a critical study of his art.

Ascot-Verlag, 1961.


Im Buchhandel vergriffen, nur noch antiquarisch zu beziehen.

Hansegger Literatur
Presenting Hansegger: in the words of the artist himself, the opinions of his contemporaries, and the eyes of the world at large,

by Absolute Auctions Publishing, 2005.


Dieses Buch kann direkt bei Absolute Auctions & Realty, Inc. (USA) bestellt werden.

Hansegger Literatur

Hansegger Historical References, Compilation of art reference materials of John K. Hansegger (1908-1988), Compiled by Gallery Moderne, 2011.


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Hansegger Literatur

JOHN KONSTANTIN HANSEGGER at The Art Gallery at the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, Exhibition of paintings by J.K. Hansegger at The Art Gallery at the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, by Gallery Moderne, 2012.


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